Have Your Say: Consultation on Change to Admissions Policy

We're seeking opinions from parent/carers on our proposed admissions arrangements for the 2026/27 academic year.
Since opening in 2017, LAE Tottenham has grown to a capacity of 800 students. In line with the founding ethos of the school, the admissions policy already prioritises students attending local feeder schools and well as those who are or have been in receipt of free school meals. However, we believe that further changes to our admissions policy are required in order to further prioritise local students as well as those with greater challenges.
Please see below our proposed admission arrangements for the 2026/27 academic year. LAE Tottenham is proposing the following changes to its admission arrangements:
- The addition of an oversubscription criterion to prioritise applicants who have been placed on a Child Protection and/or Child in Need Plan during secondary education.
- The addition of Hornsey School for Girls as a named feeder school. We believe that this will help to increase our proportion of Haringey students as well as offering the opportunity for the Chrysalis East partnership programme to expand its reach.
- The addition of a geographical criterion for priority entry. This is suggested as 1.5 miles to give greater priority to the most local students who do not attend feeder schools.
Get in touch
If you have any comments on the proposed arrangements, then please send them to: Admissions Consultation, London Academy of Excellence Tottenham, Lilywhite House, 780 High Road, London, N17 0BX or by email to: consultation@laetottenham.ac.uk
Please respond by Friday 24 January at 9am.