LAET Spring Newsletter Out Now

Our latest termly newsletter is out now, designed to give parents and carers a flavour of life at LAE Tottenham. For the first edition, we've focused on the Arts and Humanities, with a few examples on the wide-ranging enrichment programme on offer for our students in these areas.
As always, the first term of the year has been a busy one; with Year 11 applications closing, university offers flooding in and curriculum planning for 2023-24 in full swing. We are delighted to see that LAET's reach continues to grow, with over 2500 applications to study in 2023. Amongst this, our commitment to Tottenham students remains, with priority given to applicants from our local, feeder schools as well as those on Free School Meals.
In this newsletter, you will also see sections on Music and Drama and I am delighted that we will be offering these as A Level courses in September. At a time when many schools are unfortunately narrowing their curriculum, I am grateful to our sponsors and donors, whose support will broaden the offer at LAET.
Please click the link below to read the newsletter in full.